Are you working more than 40 hours a week at your current job and feel you haven’t been fairly compensated for your effort? Individuals who receive straight pay for hours worked beyond the normal 40 hour week may be entitled to increased compensation.
Determining if you are eligible for increased overtime pay can be tricky. At the Law Offices of Gary A. Costales, P.A., we can help you in determining eligibility for overtime compensation, and recovery of any compensation that should have been earned in the past.
Call (786) 446-7288 for a free telephone consultation with our office or use our contact form to tell us more about your situation.
Call Us Today(786) 446-7288
The Fair Labor Standards Act stipulates that employers must pay workers 1 1/2 times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked in a work week over the maximum allowed — generally, 40 hours. Employees must be paid a salary of at least $455 per week to be eligible for overtime pay, but are exempt if they act in one of the following capacities:
If you do not meet one of these exemptions and are compensated at least $455 per week, you may be eligible for overtime pay. We welcome the opportunity to review the facts of your case and recommend a course of action. Call 786-446-7288 or contact our firm online to schedule a free consultation to discuss your overtime concerns.