
Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Boca Raton, Florida

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Sexual Harassment Lawyers in Boca Raton, Florida

The Law Offices of Gary A. Costales, P.A. is a Boca Raton Florida sexual harassment law firm that works with individuals who have suffered sexual harassment on the job. If you have suffered sexual harassment on the job, you may have suffered psychologically, may have had to quit or leave the job, or may have missed out on promotions, raises, or other opportunities because of the harassment. Some people are even fired from their jobs because they report sexual harassment. What is sexual harassment? What can you do if you believe you are a victim of sexual harassment? And how can a sexual harassment lawyer in Boca Raton, Florida like the Law Offices of Gary A. Costales, P.A. help you? Let’s explore.

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What is Sexual Harassment?

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other type of physical or spoken harassment that involves sex or sexuality. What are some specific examples of sexual harassment? If you have been asked to perform sexual favors or have been asked to go on a date in exchange for a promotion, raise, or job, this could be considered sexual harassment. It is known as quid pro quo sexual harassment. Sexual assault or inappropriate or unwelcome touching can also be considered sexual harassment. Repeated requests for sexual favors or requests to go on dates after you have refused can also be considered sexual harassment. Repeated jokes of a sexual nature is also a form of sexual harassment. If you feel pressure to engage sexually with a co-worker, boss, or even customer, this could be considered sexual harassment. If a customer sexually harasses a worker, your boss or employer may have a responsibility to take steps to prevent the harassment, including asking the customer to stop or asking the customer to leave.

In order for an action to be considered sexual harassment, the harassment must be pervasive. That is, it must happen repeatedly (though there are certain situations, like sexual assault, where one instance may be sufficient to show that sexual harassment has taken place). What steps can you take if you believe you have been a victim of sexual harassment? The Law Offices of Gary A. Costales, P.A. is a sexual harassment law firm in Boca Raton, Florida that may be able to help you. Reach out to our sexual harassment lawyer today.

What Can You Do If You Are a Sexual Harassment Victim?

If you are a victim of sexual harassment, or believe you may have been a victim of sexual harassment, take note of all instances of the harassment, and report the incidents to your human resources department. Sometimes speaking up can resolve the issue. Many companies take sexual harassment seriously and the situation can be remedied through these channels.

However, sometimes reporting the situation to human resources doesn’t result in positive change. Sometimes individuals find that they face retaliation from their employer, either by facing additional harassment on the job or find that their employer is taking steps to get them to quit their job. Some are fired. Others are passed up for promotions or are no longer invited to team events that are crucial to further their careers. Sometimes companies might take steps to protect a person who is a repeat sexual harasser. If you have reported sexual harassment to your company, but you still find that you are facing harassment or have begun to suffer from retaliation, you may want to speak to a Boca Raton sexual harassment attorney. The Law Offices of Gary A. Costales, P.A. fights for the rights of workers and may be able to help you.

How Can A Sexual Harassment Lawyer Help You?

If you have had to leave a job because of sexual harassment, have lost your job because of sexual harassment, or have been suffering with a hostile work environment, the sexual harassment lawyer at the Law Offices of Gary A. Costales, P.A. may be able to help you. Our lawyer can review your notes, review correspondence, review your company’s response to your complaints, and can take action on your behalf. If you lost your job or lost out on career opportunities because of the harassment, our sexual harassment lawyer may be able to help you seek a recovery for your lost wages. Sexual harassment can affect your life in many ways. The Law Offices of Gary A. Costales, P.A. can take the time to understand the ways in which your work environment affected your career and your job. We may be able to help you seek damages, and fight to raise awareness about your toxic work culture so that changes can be made so that no one else has to suffer sexual harassment on the job.


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