Sexual harassment in the workplace can make every minute that you are at work feel like torture. With the popularity of the Internet and electronic communication, sexual harassment can sometimes go far beyond issues that occur only when you are at work. Sexual harassment by a co-worker or a business contact that happens online is now possible, and it demands the same attention by your employer as traditional sexual harassment in the workplace.
There are several different ways that you can be subjected to sexual harassment via electronic means. Your harasser might email, text message, private message or instant message you. The sexual harassment might come via posting on social media websites or through flame wars. In all of these cases, it is vital that your employer take immediate action to put a stop to the sexual harassment.
When it comes to sexual harassment online, you can usually get proof of the harassment easily to give to your employer. Printing copies of emails or messages and taking screenshots of the harassment might be possible. It is imperative that you gather all the proof you can of the harassment so that your employer has all the facts.
You can tell the harasser to stop sexually harassing you. Make sure that you keep copies of the message or status in which you make it clear that you don’t want to be sexually harassed.
It doesn’t matter what type of sexually explicit materials you are sent online by someone who is sexually harassing you. Prompt action is necessary in all cases. Learning your legal rights regarding sexual harassment can help you if you end up having to take action against your employer.
Source: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “Sexual Harassment on the Internet,” accessed Sep. 10, 2015