When you take a first look at the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, it’s easy to think that it happens because of physical attraction. You think it’s based on lust or the desire for a more intimate relationship that is not shared by the other party.
While these things may play a role in some cases, experts have noted that the real issue is power. Sexual harassment is a way for a person in power to assert that control over the other person. It makes the victim feel nervous and vulnerable. It puts them off their guard. It makes them feel inferior to the other party.
The perpetrator does not want a relationship and has no real attraction to the victim. They just want to show that they are the dominant person in the workplace, and they choose this way to do it.
That mentality can really create a toxic atmosphere at work. It makes the victim feel constantly afraid that the harassment is going to continue. If they push back against it, the aggressor may take that as a sign of attempted dominance and decide to harass the other party even more. It becomes a power struggle, when all the victim really wants is the respect that they deserve.
If you find yourself in this situation, you need to know what legal steps you can take. No one deserves to be treated like this at work, and there are things you can do to put an end to it. An experienced attorney can provide valuable guidance and information.