
Do you have to work overtime if your boss asks?

Do you have to work overtime if your boss asks?

Under Florida law, if employees work more than 40 hours a week, then they must receive overtime pay. A landscaping company based out of Longwood recently found itself in hot water for not paying workers overtime. Eventually, the company did pay, but it took the money out of bonuses that employees should have also received.

Many employees intentionally remain in the dark concerning overtime laws. Your boss must pay you overtime if you work more than 40 hours a week. However, do you know about the laws regarding whether you have to work overtime in the first place? When you look at Florida law, the answer may surprise you.

You do have to work overtime if asked

Under Florida and federal law, bosses can ask their workers to work more hours, if necessary. In the event an employee refuses to work those hours, then an employer holds the right to fire him or her. This guideline came in the Fair Labor Standards Act, which does not set any limits for the maximum number of hours your employer can force you to work. Some states may set limits on how many hours employees can work, but Florida is not one of them.

Your boss must pay you overtime for any extra hours worked as long as the total number of hours in the week exceeds 40. Some states require overtime for employees who work more than eight hours in one day. However, Florida law focuses on the total number of hours for the week. Therefore, if you work 12 hours one day but only work a total of 35 hours for the week, then your boss does not have to pay overtime.

If you feel as though your employer infringed upon your rights, then you should not hesitate to seek legal compensation. It is vital to be aware of the law, so you know when a boss has crossed the line.

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